Paly tennis beats Castilleja 4-3 in a close game

Tyler Wong

Erin Li concentrating during her match.

Paly tennis played a tough game against Castilleja on September 7th. The final match was a tiebreaker of a 3-3 game, Paly pulled through and won the match, winning the game with a score of 4 to 3. 


Senior Captain Riya De Datta thinks back to her team’s performance with their good plays and plays that they still have room to work on.


“I think out team played pretty well and are improving our play during critical points because last match we only lost in tiebreaks, but this time we were able to be a little more successful in close matches,” De Datta said.


This was meant to be an easier match for Paly but they faced several challenges during the game. Junior Erin Li explains her thought process.


“We came into the match thinking that we were going to win easily, but they were actually a really good team and we had to fight until the end,” Li said.


Their next match will be the first of the league season and Paly will be up against Los Altos. It will be a challenging match up but De Datta believes if the team continues to work hard they have a really good chance at winning.


“If we keep working on playing consistently, especially during tiebreaks and other important points, we can win!” De Datta said.