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Palo Alto High School's sports news magazine

Viking Magazine

Palo Alto High School's sports news magazine

Viking Magazine

Palo Alto High School's sports news magazine

Viking Magazine

Zach Rizk

Zach Rizk, Columnist

Zach is a senior at Palo Alto High School, where he plays varsity lacrosse. In his free time Zach enjoys practicing lacrosse, working out, and watching football. He is also a devoted Stanford fan.

All content by Zach Rizk
Admitting to consuming PED's was the first step to a long road of redemption for Lance Armstrong. How many people will buy his apology?

Not living so strong now

Zach Rizk, Staff Writer
January 21, 2013

The Vikings triumph over Wilcox 38-12

Zach Rizk, Staff Writer
October 13, 2012
Justin Gates-Mouton ('14) bolts around Sean Lydster ('14) in the third quater of the game.

Football routs Gunn 48-0

Zach Rizk, Staff Writer
September 22, 2012
What will be remembered of Lance Armstrong's legacy?

Stripped of…everything?

Zach Rizk, Staff Writer
September 5, 2012
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